Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Lost Balloons

"I remember as a kid having a balloon and accidentally letting the string go and watching it just float off and into the sky until it disappeared. And there's something about that, even, that feels very much like what life is, you know, that it's fleeting, and it's temporal."
-Pete Docter-

Pete Docter knows a thing or two about balloons. He wrote and directed Disney Pixar's Up. To a kid, a balloon floating away is the worst thing that could possibly happen to anyone. I believe we should feel the same way about life. Are we devastated when we realize we spent hours on the computer or watching reality TV, missing out on our own lives in the process?  Do we take the time to enjoy each day, or are we always saying, "When such and such happens, then I'll be able to enjoy it more." Life is so fragile, so precious. It is indeed temporal. Let us use these pictures to remember how to value the little things we so often take for granted. Let us value the small kisses and the peanut butter covered hands that then proceed to spread their joy on everything they touch. Because it's who the hands belong to that matter. 

Joy in the simple things...whatever this is...

Contributed by: Natalie Hansen

So sad...

Contributed by: Natalie Hansen

Taken by: Addie Hansen, age 6

Siblings cooperating is definitely photo worthy

Taken by: Addie Hansen, age 6

Computers are amazing any way you look at it... 

Contributed by: Natalie Hansen

 And so are MOMS!

Contributed by: Natalie Hansen

Thank you so much for everyone who has contributed to this blog. As always you can have your pictures in our next post by emailing them to whereismycamera@yahoo.com. And may you find the small joys in life every day...

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